About Us

“The best time to go fishing is when it’s raining and when it’s not”

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Glenn, the new owner of Silverbrook Farm Inc. I am very excited to have the opportunity to carry on this long-lasting tradition of U-catch in Abbotsford. I caught my very first fish at Silverbrook with my grandpa and brother when I was 4 years old. Check the picture!

I hope to help facilitate some of these cherished memories to more families. I grew up locally (Cloverdale) and spent most of my summers at my Grandparent’s cabin in Point Roberts. Cabin life helped me fall in love with playing in the dirt, climbing trees, catching crabs/fish in the ocean and I naturally developed a love for the outdoors.

When school ended I spent a couple of summers forest firefighting before finding a career as an arborist. After 6 enjoyable years of climbing trees for a living, I decided it was time to switch to a different outdoor type business and I landed here. I look forward to helping the community find a convenient way to connect to the outdoors. I am of course speaking about the kids, but people of all ages sometimes need a reminder of just how good a day outside can be. Now that you know a bit more about me, I hope to learn a bit more about you.

Come by the farm and say hi!